Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Nate's here!

Leah gave birth to my nephew, Nathan Charles Geiger, last week! He was born on Monday, October 8, 2007 and weighed 8 lbs, 4 oz. Here's a picture of him only a few hours old and another of him with his proud big sisters!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

New specs

Evidently, I had to move back to the US to get funky Euro-glasses. Check 'em out.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Back in the U.S.S.A.!

No, that's not a typo but a shout out to the ladies of HIAS. It's a reference to my favorite personal statement from a potential refugee that began with, "God bless the U.S.S.A!" Um...better fix that before you meet the DHS officer.

And since I am talking about the are some of them. Looks like a magazine shoot, no? We're only missing Tamanna! Where are you, Tamanna?

But that title also refers to the fact that I'M BACK and fully immersed in American life, complete with owning a car, driving everyday and paying for gas. Yikes!

All this comes with road rage and my poor parents had to experience it the other day.

I was driving home from school and was leaving them a nice, happy message on the machine when someone cut me off and I screamed, "What the f&c%!!!" into me sweet mom's ear! I started to apologize and then began laughing hysterically and hung up on the machine. I called back a few minutes later to explain that some sailor had stolen my phone and screamed obscenities but that I had luckily gotten it back and was just calling to explain. We'll see if they buy that one.

Anyway, this is the new me. Road rage! Remind you of Paul Rose?

And, yes, OF COURSE that was a Beatles reference. I'm not stupid!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Proud Child of Green Parents!

I know I have a lot to catch up on but I want to procrastinate a bit longer and brag about my Greenie parents. Not only is my dad driving a Toyota Highlander Hybrid... mom is driving a brand new Toyota Prius!

I couldn't be more proud!

Monday, August 06, 2007

On vacation til Aug. 13th

Dear Loyal, Faithful Reader,

I'm out until mid-August. Annoying vacation pictures to come...promise!


Friday, July 20, 2007

Boring Betsy Update

Tonight is my going-away party at work! We're going to a Heuriger, one of my favorite Wiener things to do. (Sort of like a biergarten, but a WINEgarten!)

I also have a Going Away Happy Hour on Monday...Markus F. asked just how many going away parties one can if!

Roland likes to tease me about how I love any and all parties in honor of ME! And I'm not too ashamed to admit it, either!

One more week of work and then we're off to Velden. I can't wait to sleep and read and eat and sleep and read and eat and sleep and read and eat......

Big, fat, hot wimp!

I am not too proud too admit it!

I miss air conditioning!

I miss wearing a wool sweater at work in July. I miss my glasses fogging up when I enter a building. I miss wearing long pajama pants to bed.

All of it.

Highs today of 102.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Leo's family commemorated with Stolpersteine

On Thursday, June 28, 2007, three Stolpersteine were dedicated to Leo Bretholz's family members who were deported from Vienna and murdered at Izbica in 1942. Roland was able to go to the dedication and take photos.

Leo and his family lived in the 20th district in Vienna, which is right next to our district. I can walk to Leo's former home in about 10 minutes. Brings it all home, literally.

New internet obsession

Join! Search with my email and "friend" me.

Thanks, Christine! It is Myspace for nerds!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Germanic Stuffed Animals

I really don't want to fall into stereotypes or make fun of strange senses of cute and loveable, but this is a picture of Roland's childhood kuscheltier.

Kuschltier = "Cuddle Animal" = Security and love for little Roland.

It's a wild boar, folks. It even has itchy fur.

It is actually this, in "cute" form.

I got nothin'

I have nothing to say but feel that I owe it to both of my readers to post something.'s hot here...

To answer everyone's questions in one place, though (what a novel idea for a blog...duh.) --

I finish work at HIAS on July 27th and then Roland and I go on vacation. First, a few days in Velden (southern part of Austria) at the lake, reading and sleeping. Then, we'll fly to Berlin to see Constanze and Jascha AND Björn and Katharina and the kids! They are in Berlin for a one-year sabbatical, starting July 1st or so. Roland has still never been to Berlin - can you believe it?! Must be remedied.

After Berlin, we will go to Krakow for a few days and to a friend's wedding in a nearby town. I have always wanted to go to a Polish wedding and I finally have my chance! Last I heard, the total number of guests equalled the total number of bottles of vodka ordered! I will be sure to bring the Excedrin.

I fly back to DC on Aug. 17 and will spend a long weekend with the fam, and then Leslie will drive up to Wuh-stuh with me. I'll move in with my Mass-hole host-family (AKA: Liswa and Sebastian) and am hoping for a cookout on the back deck upon arrival!

Orientation for school starts Aug. 21 and on the 27th I will officially be in the full swing of things with classes! It's been 10 years...when I was last at a university, they were just introducing email! In addition to the classes, I have to learn electronic blackboards and networking and things. (By the way, I am already on top of Facebook! "Friend" me if you are, too!)

I am really geeking out about school and even got a reading list for one of my classes ahead of time and started reading. Who is this person, you ask? I'm not sure, either. Never met her before and certainly not at St. Mary's or UMD! I just can't believe I will soon be sitting at a table full of people eager and willing to discuss the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising for hours on end! I know - dork.

Hmmm...Vienna is amazing, the closer I get to leaving, the less I want to go. But it's really friends and Roland that I will miss and - as I have learned - friends are there, even if you are far away. Roland and I have done long distance before, so it's do-able. Not preferable, but do-able.

Hmmm...anything else you want to know? Oh, I met Roland's Japanese nanny last night! She said he always talked a lot and was stubborn...hmmm...not much changes, eh?

Friday, June 22, 2007

"Echoes" still making me damn proud!

I shared a copy of "Echoes of Memory" with a coworker recently and she was just now telling me how she loved it and found it so touching. Another coworker, just back from a trip to the US, asked me - "You had something to do with the book Echoes of Memory?"

She had stayed with a teacher-friend of hers in Idaho during her trip home and the woman had shared the book with her because she liked it so much and was incorporating it into a curriculum she was developing!

If you can't tell, I am GLOWING right now!

* For those not in the know, I started and oversaw a writing workshop for Holocaust survivors at the Holocaust museum in Washington, DC. The magnificent Maggie (Polizos) Peterson still teaches the monthly workshop and, to date, 4 volumes of survivor writing have been published! It is definitely my most proud achievement!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I'm back in Wien!

I'm home again, after a whirlwind trip. As soon as I have pictures of Leslie's wedding, I'll post. It was a great time, beautiful setting and perfect weather. Of course, she looked beautiful and, yes, I cried.

I got to meet Selah, too! Here she is...

...and here's one of me with the little cutie! Please disregard bra strap...

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Arnie for President!

In my first years in Vienna, all the Wieners were convinced that the 2008 Presidential election would be between Hilary and Arnold Schwarzenegger! It made me crazy! I gave many a Constitutional Law lesson at parties. I can tell you, I was annoying, dashing all their hopes and dreams of 2008 being even more ridiculous than the 2000 "election."

"It's America," they'd say, "You all will just change the law."

Good God. I explained - amending the Constitution to allow naturalized citizens to run for President opens this theoretical big door to a bunch of people 1/2 of America doesn't even want to acknowledge!

Dear natural born US citizen friends -- raise your hand if your teacher or your parent or any adult at all told you, "You can grow up to be president!" We're all told that, you should all have your hands up. In addition to it being a huge fat lie (I mean, 51% of the population is female. How dare you tell me that I can do anything, fuckers?), it also keeps all the little immigrant children from being the same. Just one more way they are the "other." And the Republicans will never want them to feel the same, always want them to be "other," so they'll start with the kids. You can NEVER grow up to be president.

One can always rely on racism and xenophobia, my Wiener friends. And, honestly, don't Austrians know enough about that? It's something our countries share, in some spots and regions more than others, and it will even keep that big, hulking Aryan out of office.

Do you think Al Gore is going to run?

I've been thinking about it lately. Um, no, I'm not an idiot. I know the rest of the country has been, too.

But I just wanted to say - I kind of hope so.

I would still vote for Barak in the primaries but would be excited to be relatively happy with any of the big Dems, whomever comes out on top.

Hillary, Obama...Al?

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Funny things about Wieners #15687

Paul Rose (yes, I called him out by FULL name) whined that I don't make enough entries on the blog. Those of you who have been with me from the start know that I am now - relatively speaking - prolific.

Okay, so maybe I should muse a bit more about the Wieners.

I love them, actually, am really very, very comfortable here. I am starting to get sad about leaving! I love our apartment, I love our life, I love our friends, I love my quiet time and alone's really perfect.

That said, Wieners are funny!

Funny thing about Wieners #15687:
In Vienna, the definition of "vegetarian" usually includes chicken.

Veggie restaurants serve a chicken dish or two, even ones that call themselves "vegan!" I know that it's probably considered thoughtful to the non-veggie guests...but when I want a steak, am I going to go to a place called "Vegarant?" I don't go to a Kosher place for crabcakes, I don't go to a Persian restaurant for just makes sense, doesn't it?

Don't get me wrong - I am an all-out carnivore! I'm not necessarily complaining. I just like pointing out funny things about Wieners!!

Friday, June 01, 2007

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Selah Lee Linebaugh

Welcome, Selah!

Selah was born on Friday evening, May 25th, at 7:40 p.m. and weighed 8 lbs, 8 oz!

I'm flying home in a week and can't wait to meet her!

Love and congrats to Darin and Melis!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Constanze and Jascha are here!

Constanze and Jascha are visiting for the week! Here is a photo of them visiting a few years ago. Doesn't everyone look happy??

They are here to do a new performance they've developed about the Spanish Civil War and to do a presentation of their "old" performance about poetry in Ravensbrueck. They are also going to speak with our Austrian-Jewish dialogue group about their work! (For those of you not in the know, Jascha plays beautiful flamenco guitar music to accompany Constanze's stunning voice.)

Very happy to have my two good friends in town!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Off to Tatzmannsdorf!

Roland and I are going to Bad Tatzmannsdorf for the weekend!

Bad T is a "therme" (therme = spa, hot springs, massages, sauna, etc.). We leave tomorrow and are going to be as silly-happy as these two fools.

It's yet another Catholic holiday (Pfingsten? I have no idea...and I don't care!)

Nothing but sleeping and reading and eating and soaking and sauna-ing and, oh, did I mention the vino???

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Utter disappointment

Bill doesn't have time for us.

He has to meet with Vladimir Putin or something.

Come on, Bill - can't you come up with something better than that? Besides, isn't Putey W's friend? I can't belive Bill would slum it like that.

Good old-fashioned American sign I want to hang in Vienna

This is coming from a woman who was late to work today because she was soaking and toothpicking her sandals free of dog shit.

(Picture found on funny site

Bill is coming! Bill is coming!

Bill is coming to Vienna!

I got an email from Democrats Abroad-Austria yesterday, alerting all members that they are trying to arrange an event with him and asking who wants to attend.

WHO WANTS TO ATTEND? Who DOESN'T want to attend?!?!

Not all DA-A members can be there, so they were taking replies to the email and creating a list on a first-come/first-served basis. OH, please, please, please tell me I replied fast enough!!! I must experience the allure and charisma of Bill, first-hand!

Now, DA-A is the same organization for whom I have tirelessly toiled as Voter Registration Volunteer Coordinator - *ahem* - shouldn't that get me a little Bill?!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Barb and Heather, part II

As I posted earlier, Barb and Heather Rhoads-Weaver are having a boy. He’s due September 15! No names as of yet and they seem to be leaning away from jinxing anything by saying their ideas aloud. I am all for that – very superstitious! Besides, Leah says that people say awful, awful things about baby names.

“Earl? That sounds like a gas station attendant!”

“Sally? Oh, Sally Rogers was the biggest slut in high school!”

The process they went through intrigued me and Barb was kind enough to share some details. I thought it might actually be something others might be interested in, too, and Barb and Heather agreed to go public.

So, my first question was how they chose who would carry the child. Evidently, Heather’s clock was ticking a bit louder than Barb’s and she’s also more established career-wise. They felt like she could take time off and still be in a position to get back in the game, as they say. What a great, fair way to be able to approach it. They are lucky!

They explored many options for sperm donors, including friends and friends-of-friends, but finally went with Rainbow Flag, a sperm bank that primarily serves gay and lesbian families. Their agreement includes that the organization releases the donor’s identity to them when their child is 3 months old AND the donor has already agreed to be known to the child.

And this was the part I thought was really interesting – how the hell do you choose a sperm donor for your child? In some ways, reviewing files and choosing based on questionnaires and forms seems distant and formal. On the other hand, it seems better than methods many women use. *ahem*

Barb said they ordered the profiles of some donors and picked the one that seemed healthiest. She said that the profiles were very detailed and extensive and that she even nixed one because he was a Republican! Um...can’t imagine what gay or lesbian couple would go Republican in any case, but some must. To each his or her own, I guess.

Exciting news was that Heather got pregnant on their first visit to the fertility doctor! But, as Barb pointed out, they didn’t really have a “fertility” problem but were actually just missing an ingredient!

If you are interested, Barb recommended the following clip from NPR’s Story Corp about sperm donors:

Congratulations, Barb and Heather!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Babies, babies...

...and more babies!

Barb and Heather Rhoads-Weaver are expecting a little boy!

Congrats to the happy, happy parents-to-be!

(More on Barb and Heather's interesting experience to come, after a little editing. They were kind and patient enough to answer the questions of their straight, childless and admittedly naive friend!)

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Friday, May 18, 2007

UB40 was right!

I don’t even know how to begin this story. It’s really absurd but, in the end, has significance. I’ll write about the absurdity first and then get deep with importance and meaning later.

So, Roland and I recently deemed our apartment open for visitors. Yes, after one year – it’s ready! We invited our first dinner guests and, of course, I chose foolishly. Both couples include amazing chefs and they’re all real Foodies. This was intimidating so I went to the family gourmet, Jen, and got a menu. We decided I would recreate the amazing pork loin she made for Easter. I needed a roast, bones in, “Frenched and tied.” Do with that what you will.

I had no idea what a pork loin was called in German and consulted my dictionary.

Schwein. I knew that part. But loin? Turns out, it's "Karree."

In any case, I figured I could do this. Nouns are easy - you just point.

I went to the butcher at the supermarket and said, "Ich möchte, bitte, eine sechs Knochen...alles zusammen...nur ein grosses Stück..." and pointed to the piece I wanted. (That roughly translates into, “I want a pork loin…, …um, er…with six bones…um, er…all together…uh…just in one big piece.” That makes sense, doesn’t it?)

He chopped off the piece I wanted and I happily watched him take my meat to the rear to package it. I was very proud of myself and marched out with my roast, successfully ordered auf Deutsch, BUT found when I got home that I had actually gotten six pork chops, no bones. All wrong.

I felt like an ass but decided to call my mother-in-law, wondering if there was some secret Viennese password for a proper pork loin. Neither she nor my father-in-law had any idea but my father-in-law offered to go to the store with me to help me get it straight. A couple hours later, he said something quite similar to the butcher. I understood every word and wondered what was really so different about what I had said. I watched the guy chop and prepare my perfect roast. Okay, whatever. I felt like a fool but I got my meat, thanks to my father-in-law and his pork loin password.

I went home, prepared the roast and rubbed it down. I trimmed the asparagus, whipped up some yummy potatoes and put the roast in the oven at 7. Our guests were due to arrive at 7:30, so I looked in on it around 7:20, only to find that the meat thermometer had exploded and sprinkled shards of glass all over my beautiful, sizzling roast!

Roland wanted to wash it off...that's why he has me...but luckily, I could pull out the first order of meat and quickly rub it down and gravy it up. The evening was saved, even if I was serving my Foodie friends pork chops.

Somehow, I didn’t cry during all this. Roland cracked open a bottle of red for me, despite serving pork, and things got better – especially because we have wonderful friends.

So, here's where I get all meaningful. I think it's kind of a parable for my expat existence.

Lessons Learned

* I have to put a lot more thought into many of the things I do here and frequently make mistakes doing ordinary things.

* If I look at things objectively, I often learn big lessons from mistakes I make. Sometimes, they even benefit me later on.

* In the end, I am always surrounded by friends.

* Red wine helps anything.

It's a boy!

Congratulations to Rachel and Ellie who will be the proud big sisters of a LITTLE BOY! (Congrats to Leah and Greg, too!)

This is good news for everyone, as when Leah asked Rachel if she wanted a brother or a sister, she told her she didn't care...but if it was a girl, she said, they needed a dog. If it was a boy, there was no need for one!

Oh, good luck little boy!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

More fun with translation!

Last summer, Roland and I visited a small, kind of sad aquarium in Trieste. Everything was translated into English, including the scientific name of this special little guy.

Who knew there was a penguin named after Kevin McDermott?

Man, I really have McD on the brain these days...I see him wherever I look!

Only me...and four other people, too!

Okay, maybe it's hard to take me seriously when I post about embarking on my new life as an academic immediately following a photo of the Brat Pack, but I guess that's just me. Anyway, somehow Patrick Swayze and atrocity go together, don't they?

I recently got to look over the courses I'll take next semester and discussed them with my advisor. I think we've settled on a seminar on refugees, a seminar on comparative genocide and a class about "Racial Thought and Body Politics." I'll also try auditing a German course, to try to keep it up.

I think I am more excited about this than Bob was about Bowling class at SMC!! I can't remember being so excited about classes. Ever. Not even Contemporary Bioscience. Kidding.

I've been working so closely with people for such a long time - now it's time for some books and quiet time. Especially after the hyper-intensive work I've been doing here with the refugees, I can really (naively?) imagine loving being locked up in a library. Check back with me in a couple years but, for now, I am pretty jazzed!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Do it for Johnny!

I just felt it necessary to post this.

Can any of you believe that Ralph is perhaps the least successful of this bunch?

And does anyone else think that Tom Cruise looks like Kevin McD in this picture?


Alana and I got our butts out of bed at 6 am and did a Spinning class this morning! So far, I am loving it. I tried it a few times in DC but never got into it...maybe it was the snoot-tay instructor who told me that my clothes and shoes were all wrong? And he didn't mean functionally...

This instructor was great and the promise of an amazing sauna after helped, too. It also didn't hurt that A and I have enchilada plans tonight at Tacos Lopez! Just when we thought we would fall off and die...we'd look at each other and say, "Do it for the taco!"

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mom got an iPod!

My mom got an iPod Nano! I am so impressed and proud! Also, jealous. My iPod is like 5 years old and is a dinosaur. I literally hide it on the subway so none of the cool kids see my black and white screen!

So, Suze, now we gotta load the Abba and the Dolly Parton onto it!!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Most beautiful and wonderful cousin!

A little blog-happy today! Looking through pictures and wanted to show off my drop-dead-gorgeous-amazing-wonderful cousin and new cousin-in-law! Jen and Kev got married last July and I thought I would post a picture within a year of the wedding! Sorry guys, that's my pace...isn't she beautiful???

Cool Vickis from Wisconsin

Paul Schiefer and Angie Kartusch got married on Friday and the reception on Saturday went from about 3:30 p.m. to 2 a.m.! Paul and Angie have very cool friends - some we already knew, others we met yesterday. We had so much fun, dancing and singing...all the Wieners knew every world to American Pie! Brought a tear to my eye! They also seemed to know every word to Sweet Home Alabama...weird! Of utmost cultural importance, I learned that the 80s song Major Tom was actually sung by an Austrian band and in German. When I sang, FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE, EARTH BE-LOW-OW-OW US, they thought I was a freak!

Equally as important - I met another cool Vicki and she's from Wisconsin, no less! Paul was a foreign exchange student in Wisconsin when he was about 21 and stayed with Vicki and Stan. V and S have no kids but have hosted something like 30 exchange students. They kept referring to their "Big 3" - Paul and two others they fell in love with and kind of adopted.

As good adopted parents and very fun party-people, V and S came all the way to Austria for Paul's wedding and we hung out with them most of the day yesterday. After hours of telling funny stories and a little too much vino, I confessed that I only know one other person from Wisconsin and she is seriously one of my favorite people in the world AND her name just happens to be VICKI! (Or, Wicki, as I prefer to call her..) Long story seems that Vicki performed Stan's nephew's wedding! Small world of Wickis, huh?

Trying it again

I am seriously the world's worst blogger! I have a third inspiration now...Wicki was, is and always will be my first true Blogging inspiration...then, there came Binh...and now a new classmate, Emily. I have to get off my butt! Okay, trying, trying. I figured out how to post via email, so maybe that will help me?

Are any of you still reading this thing? Let me know. Maybe if I can get it together, I'll send another email to people.

Do you really want to read my crap?

Monday, March 05, 2007

I got in!

I have told some of you, others not because I am too damn superstitious...but I got into Clark University's Ph.D program! I am going back to school! (Maybe I am a glutton for punishment!?)

Lisa says it's all beshert, as Clark is the only Holocaust History and Genocide Studies Ph.D program in the world outside of Israel AND it's in Worcester, Mass! Yes, Lisa and I are going to be college roommates - again!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Austrian mothers

We had a discussion here at work today about Austrian mothers - well, mother-in-laws, really. Not mine! Mine is great, but coworkers were sharing stories. It seems fairly common that Austrian mothers enter their son's (and, therefore, daughter-in-law's) apartments without notice and clean from top to bottom - including laundry and underwear! Luckily, as I said, mine is great and does not do such things. But I have heard of a number of Austrian moms (of boys, of course) who do - what's up with that?!

Another Austrian tradition seems to be for parents to buy their kids houses. Well, not tradition exactly, but it's more common than in the US. Hasn't happeend to us but I have heard of it much more frequently here, too. Now, that would be nice! I guess it's a give and take!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Binh is putting me to shame!

Binh started a Blog and is making me feel lame. I checked this thing and realized that I last blogged August 31. I can't believe some of you are still loyal to me! True friends. I will try again. I know you have heard this before.

So, what's happened since August? Well, I'm still working at HIAS ( - have been since October 2005 - but now only three days a week. I am working with A Letter to the Stars ( Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you visit the sites, you'll see why both organizations interest me...the latter maybe a bit more than the former, but I am happy and proud to be with both.

No new travels, except a weekend here and there. First weekend of March, Rolli and I are going to Salzburg for skiing (cross country - I'm a wimp) and to visit my brother- and sister-in-law and the second weekend Les is giving a presentation at a conference in Budapest and I'll hang out with her for a few days! Our last weekend as single girls! Oh, wait, I'm not single...

Okay, maybe I can be more creative and regular with these things and not just boring updates. Pastor Wicki is my blogging inspiration and Binh is my kick in the and thanks to you both!