Friday, May 08, 2009

Back in Wienerland!

I'm back, and this is what (along with adorable Austrian husband) was awaiting me at the airport.

He's good.

Just getting acclimated and over jet lag for now. Lots of Tafelspitz eating and Zweigelt drinking in my near future. Uh, well, Zweigelt drinking has commenced...

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Back to Vienna

After completing my 4th and FINAL semester of classes, I'm back to Vienna. Maybe interesting and funny things will happen and I will be compelled to blog again...but I will be just as happy if nothing at all happens to me and I get to just live and be all gemütlich in Wien with Roland.

Quick update - My Comps (Comprehensive Exams) are tentatively scheduled for end of Jan 2010, so I am studying (Summer in Vienna, Fall in Worcester) and (in the Fall) TA'ing at Clark until then. Once I've passed (*knock wood*), it's back to Vienna full-time to research and write. My funding lasts through 2012, so the push is on to finish by then...and after that, who knows???

So, that's where I am, and Vienna is where I'll BE in less than 36 hours!

See you here, maybe? But don't worry if I have a blissfully uneventful summer and am dormant still...