Friday, March 18, 2005

A real compliment!

I have finally been complimented on my language skills!

The other day, in the usual Viennese subway rush, I was running down the escalator, head down, when I collided with a man and had to stop short. I forgot my German and said, "Sorry!" as he pointed to the problem. Someone had committed the cardinal sin of city living - standing to the left on a subway escalator!

"No problem," I said, again forgetting German in a flustered moment. "Must be a tourist." (I can say that, now that I'm an official Austrian resident!)

"Your English is so good!" the man replied, "Where did you learn to speak so well?"

So, thanks goes out to Joe and Susan Anthony for providing me with absolutely perfect Southern Maryland English!

And there you have it. Six months of German classes have gotten me a compliment on my fluency in English. I have to be happy I have one language down, if nothing else. (Don't tell your British friends I said that!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No where in America would you get a compliment on a Southern Maryland accent...must make moving accross the world worthwhile!