Sunday, March 05, 2006

John's in town!

Malkovich, that is. They previewed the Director's Cut of "Klimt" in Vienna this weekend and we had tickets tonight. For anyone who doesn't know, I have a strange fascination with JM but a little damage was done to that this evening, maybe while watching him slowly lose it with syphilis on the big screen. We also saw the Schiele exhibit today at the Albertina and, after the Klimt movie, I think I have a posthumous crush on Egon now. Freakshow, I know, but still...I recommend the movie, the Schiele exhibit and the actor who plays ES in the movie. The movie is slow at times but, as Roland pointed out, it was Director's Cut. Tons-o-Klimtesque naked girls, if they don't cut it out of the American version. But how can you do a movie about Klimt without? At any rate, it was fun to recognize streets of Vienna and also to see John again. I love talking about him as my friend. Roland doesn't seem to mind, except the John rejected our dinner invitation. Well, Brad and Ang didn't stop by last week either. We are getting used to it.

It is snowing here, despite Roland's promises of spring. Spring through fall in Vienna is really perfect and so I am anxiously awaiting the start of about seven months of Wien in all her glory. The other five leave a bit to be desired, as should and may be illustrated by our upcoming photo series, "Depressed Wieners in the Gray that is Wintertime Vienna." Coming soon, we hope, to a blog near you.


gg said...

Hey gorgeous, i wouldn't expect a post on your birthday-- hope you're having a great time!!!! Happy butt day!

Anonymous said...

yes, that's my pathetic attempt at a blog...i'm thinking of many people ask me, "What the F*%@! are you doing with your life these days?"

Silja Bára said...

don´t know who you are, but I agree about Malkovich. Once, when asked which Hollywood celeb I´d pick if I could, I named him. I´ve never seen so many apalled faces in one room.
Anywho, I blog in Icelandic, so you´ll have no idea what I´m saying, but have a good one!

Anonymous said...

Wow - I had almost forgot about you and JM.....Oh the memories - I wonder what Kevin Spacey is up to...