Thursday, October 21, 2010

I love old people!

The other day in my English conversation group at the senior daycare center at the Jewish nursing home, one of the sweet little old ladies said, "I am so very sorry, but I must say that I prefer the British English to the American. The accent sounds so much nicer." This woman survived the Holocaust in England, and her accent reflected it - very proper!

The woman sitting next to me had lived in NYC from the time she fled in 1938/39 until just a couple years ago, and sounds like a native New Yorker. She hadn't heard the comment and said, "EH?? What'd she say??"

I tried to smile through it and said, "Well, Frau XYZ doesn't much like our accent; she prefers the British." The NY-er -- in effort to persuade her friend to enjoy the American delivery, I guess -- looked the other woman in the eye and said, "TOUGH SHIT!"

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