Saturday, December 18, 2010

The complexity of my dissertation topic - in a nutshell

I recently met one of the most impressive and energetic women I've come across in all my years of working with Holocaust survivors. She is 92, lives alone, seems to be in great health, and is mentally quick and alert. She organizes weekly museum outings and social gatherings for friends, reads multiple papers, watches all the world news, and is on top of it all in a way I could never hope to be. She moves around the city, engaging and experiencing. I hope I am like her in some small way when I am that age. Hell, I hope I am like her NOW!

I won't use her name, but it's important to know that she returned to Vienna after the war from London as a communist, coming to take part in rebuilding a democratic Austria. I interviewed her last week and when I asked her, after 4 hours of very deep and in-depth discussion, to boil it down and answer the main, big, simple, break-it-down question - WHY DID YOU RETURN TO LIVE IN VIENNA? - she said:

"Why did we return? Because we were naive. We thought they wanted us, needed us. HA!"

I asked her if she'd ever thought of leaving and going back to England or to the US where she has family. "Not at all."

So, there it is, folks. Survivors came back to a place that did not welcome them nor expect them to return. They were slapped in the face with this reality very quickly upon arrival...but they'd never think of living anywhere else. And that is what I have to explain.

Oy vey.

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