Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Trying to be green makes me brown

It's pretty easy to recycle and be "green" here in Vienna, as there are recycling bins for glass, plastic, and cans on every corner. Plus, we have a paper recycling in the foyer of our building. You can even recycle biodegradable waste, and I've always aimed to try it. Roland's not so keen on decomposing vegetables on our kitchen counter, so I never went all the way.

I did recently try something I read in a magazine. "Coffee grounds are a great anti-cellulite rub!" Uh, yeah...I saved grounds for a few days, then tried legs are now the color of coffee and it's not coming off! Maybe this is a cheap fake tan, but I look ridiculous and lumpier than ever!

1 comment:

binh said...

I LOVE YOU! I'm dying laughing.