Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Austrian mothers

We had a discussion here at work today about Austrian mothers - well, mother-in-laws, really. Not mine! Mine is great, but coworkers were sharing stories. It seems fairly common that Austrian mothers enter their son's (and, therefore, daughter-in-law's) apartments without notice and clean from top to bottom - including laundry and underwear! Luckily, as I said, mine is great and does not do such things. But I have heard of a number of Austrian moms (of boys, of course) who do - what's up with that?!

Another Austrian tradition seems to be for parents to buy their kids houses. Well, not tradition exactly, but it's more common than in the US. Hasn't happeend to us but I have heard of it much more frequently here, too. Now, that would be nice! I guess it's a give and take!

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